Request For Proposal

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India

By Ampersand Group

The National Early Childhood Care and Education Policy1 envisages nurturing and promotion of holistic development for children under 6 years of age. The Policy lays down the way forward for a comprehensive approach towards ensuring a sound foundation for survival, growth and development of children with focus on care and early learning for every child.

Need for ECCE?

The first six years of life are critical in human life, since a child has greater capacity to learn and absorb in those years than at any other stage of development. A holistic Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) makes a positive impact on children’s long term development and learning by facilitating an enabling and stimulating environment in these years. So it is imperative that this true ‘window of opportunity’ is fully used and strengthened to ensure long term benefits.

What is Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)?

Early Childhood Care and Education in the Indian context is generally defined as the care and education of children from birth to eight years. It involves development of child under six main areas of development2.

  1. Sensory and Perceptual Development.
  2. Physical, Health and Motor development.
  3. Language Development.
  4. Cognitive Development.
  5. Development of Creative and Aesthetic Appreciation.
  6. Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

In 3 stages:

  1. Early stimulation programmes for 0-3 years: Crèches/homes stimulation.
  2. Early childhood education (ECE) programmes for 3-6 year: Anganwadis, Balwadis, Nurseries, Preschools and kindergartens.
  3. Early Primary Education Programmes for 6-8 year: In schools.

Principles of Early Learning and Development

These are based on the insights and observations of thinkers and evidences from researches. Some are outlined below:

  • Children have innate curiosity and a desire to learn.
  • Children learn through play.
  • Development and learning takes place in all domains.
  • Children’s development and learning follows a sequence.
  • Child Development and Learning are characterized by individual variations.
  • Children learn best through from experiential learning.
  • Children learn and develop in a stimulating, yet nurturing and protective environment.
  • Development and learning is largely influenced by the socio-cultural context.

Aims and objectives of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)3

  • Ensure child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self-concept.
  • Enable a sound foundation for physical and motor development.
  • Imbibe good nutrition routines, health habits, hygiene practices and self-help skills.
  • Enable effective communication and develop both receptive and expressive language skills.
  • Promote development and integration of the senses.
  • Stimulate curiosity and develop conceptual understanding of the world around by providing opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
  • Enhance development of pro-social skills, social competence and emotional well-being.
  • Develop sense of aesthetic appreciation and stimulate creative learning processes.
  • Imbibe culturally and developmentally appropriate behavior and core human values of respect and love for fellow human beings.
  • Enable a smooth transition from home to ECCE centre to formal schooling.
  • Enhance scope for overall personality development.

Importance of early childhood care and education in India

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is the cornerstone of a child's educational voyage, fostering an environment that sets the stage for lifelong learning and well-being. The significance of this period lies not only in academic preparation but in the holistic development of young minds.

The National Education Policy (NEP) also recognizes the pivotal role of ECCE. Effective implementation of ECCE initiatives in India holds the promise of providing every child with the nurturing and quality education they deserve. The objectives of ECCE extend far beyond academics; they embrace the cultivation of young souls and the building of resilient communities.

The investment in our young generation means an investment in the future. By sowing the seeds of success with the confidence that these children will blossom one day into leaders, innovators and compassionate individuals, shaping a brighter and better world for us all.


Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India | Ampersand Group
Request For Proposal

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